Organic flower bulbs are pure nature and grown in a natural way. Working with nature instead of against it!
- Did you know that no pesticides are used in the cultivation of organic flower bulbs? The unwanted insects are deterred and fought naturally. A recent study has shown that in conventional flower bulbs 2-20 residual pesticides are still in the bulbs. They also found substances that are not allowed in the EU. (Out of 21 samples from flower bulbs that were purchased both online and in garden centres, 22 different pesticide residues were found, according to the PAN Netherlands Foundation. Find the dutch research here.
- Did you know that only natural fertiliser is used in organic cultivation? Our organic bulb growers only use organic fertilisers that they make themselves from residual material. The soil is enriched by planting green manure crops. These enrich the soil and make it more fertile.
- Did you know that the soil of our organic bulb fields has a rich soil life? By growing organically and not ploughing (deeply), the soil life in the fields of our organic growers is very rich in worms, bacteria, fungi and natural organisms. As the soil is rich and fertile, no chemical fertilisers are needed. In addition, a rich soil stores more CO2. op.
- Did you know that bees are fond of early flowering bulbs such as crocuses? The first sources of nourishment for bees and bumblebees in early spring is the Crocuses, Scilla and other early-flowering bulbs. If you give them organic flower bulbs, you can be sure that they are getting clean and healthy food. Organic flower bulbs are free from neonicotinoids! (Neonicotinoids are effective against insects by disrupting the conduction of impulses between nerve cells in the brain to such an extent that the insects die.)
- Did you know that only 1% of flower bulb cultivation is organic! It would be great if more farmers switched to organic cultivation.
- Did you know that the cultivation of organic flower bulbs is less intensive? The harvest is smaller because in addition to the bulbs, there are green manure crops and planted field borders. The harvest is therefore smaller than in conventional bulb fields. This makes organic flower bulbs more expensive. .
But you help nature, such as the soil, insects and birds to be healthy.
Enjoy your organic flower bulbs!