Organic flower bulbs in Keukenhof
We are so happy with this news! We have managed to plant our Natural Bulbs in the Keukenhof.
Are you curious about how they look?
Every spring the Keukenhof opens its doors for 8 weeks. This year from March 21 to May 12, every day between 8:00 AM and 7:30 PM.
It is a beautiful park with all kinds of different bulbs, from the famous tulip to beautiful ornamental onions.
We hope that the number of organic bulbs in the park will continue to increase. Our mission is to entice more growers to switch to organic cultivation.
Will we succeed with your support?
Here's where to find us
You can find our organic Natural Bulbs in the southeast of the park, along the walking ramps. Please find the location in the map below on the bottom left:
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We ship by parcel service to all European Union member countries (so unfortunately not into UK or Norway).