
Collections Springflowering

Make your life easy and order these wonderful collections instead of shopping for individual items. These organic flower bulbs have been joyfully selected to cheer up your spring garden. Shipping during autumn planting season.

50 years of Velt 50 ST - ORG
€ 22.90 € 22.90 22.900000000000002 EUR
Bee Buffet for Containers v2 - ORG
€ 18.30 € 18.30 18.3 EUR
Bee Buffet Shadow Corner - ORG
€ 22.90 € 22.90 22.900000000000002 EUR
Bee Buffet Pond Companions v3 - ORG
€ 44.75 € 44.75 44.75 EUR
Bee Buffet Picnick under the Trees - ORG
€ 31.55 € 31.55 31.55 EUR
Bee Buffet Royal Appetizer - ORG
€ 51.60 € 51.60 51.6 EUR
Bee Buffet Sunbath v2 - ORG
€ 29.80 € 29.80 29.8 EUR
Beebag organic flowerbulbs - ORG
€ 20.05 € 20.05 20.05 EUR
Bee bag 40 p - ORG
€ 22.35 € 22.35 22.35 EUR
Bee bag 40 p - ORG
€ 20.65 € 20.65 20.650000000000002 EUR
Happy Bee Giftbag - ORG
€ 28.65 € 28.65 28.650000000000002 EUR
Flowerbulb Lasagna Velt - ORG
€ 25.15 € 25.15 25.150000000000002 EUR
Collection Lasagne Cool Colours - ORG
€ 22.90 € 22.90 22.900000000000002 EUR
Blue Delft Garden 40 p - ORG
€ 22.90 € 22.90 22.900000000000002 EUR
Hot Caramel Bee Banquet - ORG
€ 14.85 € 14.85 14.85 EUR
Queen Appetizers Bee banquet - ORG
€ 28.65 € 28.65 28.650000000000002 EUR
Milkshakespeare Bee Banquet- ORG
€ 24.10 € 24.10 24.1 EUR
Collection Flower Park Mix - ORG
€ 44.75 € 44.75 44.75 EUR
Collection Tall Tulips - ORG
€ 39.55 € 39.55 39.550000000000004 EUR
Tasty Flowers - ORG
€ 22.90 € 22.90 22.900000000000002 EUR