
Summer flowering

Summer flowers are i.e. dahlias, gladioli and all edible tubers; perennials, soft fruits and bulbs from organic culture. Delivery in the spring from march into june.

Gladiolus Mango Muse - ORG
€ 6.55 € 6.55 6.55 EUR
Gladiolus Mix - ORG
€ 6.55 € 6.55 6.55 EUR
Gladiolus Nori - ORG
€ 6.55 € 6.55 6.55 EUR
Pot Marigold Balls Orange - ORG
€ 3.85 € 3.85 3.85 EUR
Helenium Sahins Early Flowerer - ORG
€ 9.75 € 9.75 9.75 EUR
Hemerocallis Frans Hals - ORG
€ 9.75 € 9.75 9.75 EUR
Nasturtium climbing - ORG
€ 3.85 € 3.85 3.85 EUR
Jasminum Nudiflorum - ORG
€ 17.20 € 17.20 17.2 EUR
Cherry Tomato Cerise - ORG
€ 3.05 € 3.05 3.0500000000000003 EUR
Garden Thyme - ORG
€ 6.85 € 6.85 6.8500000000000005 EUR
Kiwi Jenny Shrub - ORG
€ 13.20 € 13.20 13.200000000000001 EUR
Poppy - ORG
€ 2.45 € 2.45 2.45 EUR
Morning Glory - ORG
€ 3.05 € 3.05 3.0500000000000003 EUR
Cucumber Marketmore - ORG
€ 3.05 € 3.05 3.0500000000000003 EUR
Cornflower mixed - ORG
€ 2.45 € 2.45 2.45 EUR
Dwarf Beans Maxi - ORG
€ 3.85 € 3.85 3.85 EUR
Dwarf Sunflower - ORG
€ 2.45 € 2.45 2.45 EUR
Lavandula Hidcote - ORG
€ 9.75 € 9.75 9.75 EUR
Liatris Spicata - ORG
€ 6.85 € 6.85 6.8500000000000005 EUR
Lilium OT Maldano - ORG
€ 6.60 € 6.60 6.6000000000000005 EUR
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